While scrolling through Pinterest for ideas for Baby D’s vintage Mickey Mouse themed first birthday party, we came across the cutest custom Mickey-shaped sprinkles. They were absolutely adorable and as much as I love supporting […]
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Chicken Tikka Masala
We finally did it…our first dinner and a movie challenge of summer! We’ve started slowly making our way through our movie collection over the last few weeks after putting the little one to bed, but […]
One Pot Spicy Sausage Pasta
June is here! Can you believe it? Time is flying by these days. Baby D will be turning a year old next month. How did that happen? He’s looking more and more toddler than baby […]
Red, White, & Blue Breakfast Kebabs
Getting ready for Memorial Day weekend? We sure are. Sunshine, Grilling, Popsicles, and the good ole’ red, white and blue. I love this country of ours. We’ve been stocking up on a few patriotic summer […]
Better Than Takeout Beef and Broccoli
Happy Thursday! Has anyone else hit that mid-week slump that makes coming up with yet another family crowd-pleasing dinner seem like a daunting task? Before you pick up that phone to order takeout, you have […]
Root Beer Float Popsicles
Summer has definitely arrived a little early here. If the weather hasn’t warmed up wherever you call home, I’m sure it will soon. Now’s the time to start stocking up on ice cream and other […]